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What You Need to Know About Maya LT 2011: Features, Benefits, and Download Options

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We already have a post with the new product keys for Autodesk 2014 products but, for those of you using earlier versions of the software, that post is completely irrelevant. In this post, you can find all product keys for Autodesk 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 products. Why are product keys so important you ask? They are required for installation of Autodesk products and are used to differentiate products that are both sold independently and as part of a product suite.

Maya LT 2011

I went from Maya 2011 to Maya LT. And i got into it right away. So the difference between a newer full version of Maya and Maya LT should be even smaller. Its basically like the full version minus most of the rendering functionality, like mental ray is missing and many shaders and materials exept for the some basic ones like phong. It has everything you need for game development unless you want to do movie style cutscenes. There where some stuff moved around for me coming from Maya 2011. But if u come from a newer version its prolly the same.

DISCLOSURE: Some of the techniques I show in this tutorial (especially the sculpting section) are probably not optimum for general real-time game development due to the time constraints. I chose some of these techniques for both experimentation and for quality goals regardless of deadlines. Please keep that in mind, especially younger artists wanting to break into the industry. Software used: Maya 2010+, Maya LT, Mudbox 2011+, Photoshop CS5+

Xnormal was used for the majority of my normalmap and ambient occlusion map baking due to the quality plus speed combo. I made a strong effort to always save out and bake with custom cages. As a backup, I also baked without a cage and composited isolated sections of the non-cage bakes for certain trouble spots. I would use scripts in maya to "inflate" the cages a specific amount based on the mesh and label the file with the percentage used for reference later on (in case I needed to increase or decrease cage). I tried to avoid ever tweaking the cages on a component level due to the time wasted if re-bakes were needed. I also started using a new technique where I animated my master Maya bake scene so that it contained the proper combined heli and the exploded version.Since this helicopter was originally baked back in 2011, when I had a chance to re-bake it after reducing the polycount in Maya LT, I used the force hard edges per UV border edge technique for higher quality normalmaps (especially when compressed for game engine). I've been using that technique for almost all of my hard surface work since then.

Chief of Staff, Office of Lt. Governor, January 7, 2012 to January 2015. Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, 2011, and Deputy Chief of Staff, 2011-12, Office of Lt. Governor.Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, District of Columbia, 2015-16.Chief of Staff for U.S. Representative Anthony G. Brown of Maryland, 4th Congressional District, 2017-.Spelman College, B.A. (english), cum laude; Georgetown University Law Center, J.D. Research assistant, Harrison Institute Housing and Economic Development Clinic. Admitted to New York Bar, 2006; North Carolina Bar, 2006. Attorney. Former Associate, Purrington Moody, Greensboro, North Carolina. Former member, New York Bar Association; North Carolina Bar Association.Maryland Constitutional Offices & AgenciesMaryland Departments Maryland Independent AgenciesMaryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory BoardsMaryland Universities & CollegesMaryland Counties Maryland Municipalities Maryland at a GlanceMaryland Manual On-LineSearch the Manuale-mail:

Dental trauma constitutes a public health problem with a marked prevalence among Brazilian children and adolescents. Furthermore, it can lead to irreparable dental loss, which makes it important to evaluate this condition using instruments of oral health related to quality of life (OHRQoL). Based on this, a review of the literature sought to expose indices that may assess the evaluation of quality of life among Brazilians with dental trauma, as well as discuss the state of the art of publications about this condition on their OHRQoL followed by a discussion of the output encountered on the subject. With this in mind the articles published from 1980 to June/2011 located on databases (Pubmed, VHL, Google Scholar) or manually in the references of selected publications were prioritized. It was revealed that there is no specific instrument for dental trauma. It is therefore necessary to assess the OHRQoL in children and adolescents with indices found in the literature. Once this has been done, as yet unresolved questions about the impact of dental trauma on OHRQoL can be answered.

On August 23, 2010, Autodesk released Update 1 for AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011. Unfortunately, Update 1 introduced an issue when conducting certain operations that may cause AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT to shut down. This issue affects a small number of users. We have removed Update 1 and will reintroduce it in the near future when the issue has been resolved. For customers who have already installed Update 1, a hot fix will be posted shortly. Please be assured that Autodesk is wholly committed to the quality of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, and regrets this error.

Joint development of Alembic was first announced at SIGGRAPH 2010 and Alembic 1.0 was released to the public at the 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference in Vancouver. The software focuses on efficiently storing and sharing animation and visual effects scenes across multiple software applications. Since the software's debut last year both companies have integrated the technology into their production pipelines. ILM notably using the software for their work on the 2012 blockbuster The Avengers and Sony Pictures Imageworks on the 2012 worldwide hits Men in Black 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man in addition to the upcoming animated feature Hotel Transylvania, scheduled for release September 28, 2012.

Open source exchange format provides standard for exchanging animated computer graphics scenes between content creation software packages.VANCOUVER, B.C. - August 9, 2011 - Alembic 1.0, the open source project jointly developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Lucasfilm Ltd. was released to the public today, it was announced at ACM SIGGRAPH conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. Alembic is the computer graphics interchange format developed by the two entertainment giants last year and focused on efficiently storing and sharing animation and visual effects scenes across multiple software applications. It was designed to handle massive animation data sets often required in high-end visual effects and animation, which are routinely developed and produced by companies such as Lucasfilm's Industrial Light & Magic and Lucasfilm Animation Ltd. and Sony Pictures Imageworks. The studios each saw the need for a tool like Alembic, something that would fit within existing pipelines and allow for customization at the facility level without impeding the ability to share work. In addition to the features announced at last year's SIGGRAPH, Alembic 1.0 includes automatic data de-duplication. The software automatically recognizes repeated shapes in complicated geometry and only writes a single instance to disk. This makes Alembic 1.0 use dramatically less disk space than promised without requiring any extra steps on the part of the user and can improve both write and read performance as well. In the case of hero deforming humanoid characters, including hair, shot caches have been reduced by more than 70%. For complex, deeply hierarchical and mostly rigid assets like the Transformers characters, tests have shown cache reduction in the order of 98%. The code base for Alembic is available for download on the project's Google Code site and more information can be found online at: development of Alembic was first announced at last year's Siggraph by Lucasfilm's visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic and Sony Pictures Imageworks. The companies joined forces when it became apparent that they were independently developing software designed to solve, a problem universally faced by the visual effects and animation production community: how to easily share complex animated scenes across a variety of disciplines and facilities regardless of what software was being used. Alembic includes tools that allow collaboration while working with a generic, extensible, data representation scheme. In essence, it distills complex and often proprietary, animated scenes into application-independent files with baked geometric results. These baked results can be fully re-importable across the range of supporting software."Alembic addresses a fundamental issue in a world where assets are shared across many companies. Alembic's production-ready ability to seamlessly translate shapes across a wide variety of applications saves time and resources," said Rob Bredow, CTO of Sony Pictures Imageworks. "By releasing Alembic as an Open Source project, users have the opportunity to improve the software based on their needs and experience. We're really starting to feel the positive effects of Open Source, as a community of visual effects and animation professionals come together to solve problems more effectively today than ever before.""Alembic is giving us space efficiencies beyond our most optimistic expectations and at effectively the same time cost as before. This is sure to have a significant impact for anyone who uses the format and we are excited to be able to share this with the Open Source community," said Tommy Burnette, Head of Global Pipeline at Lucasfilm Ltd. "Previously each facility had to produce their own unique solutions to the problem of efficient caching and scene handoff, but the beauty of Open Source is that with strong collaborative efforts we can effectively provide solutions for everyone."Both studios have made strides with open source software and recognize the importance of such initiatives, ILM with the industry standard OpenEXR format and Imageworks with OSL, Open Color I/O, Maya Reticle, Field3D, Scala Migrations and the newly release PyP. Here's what some of the leading solution providers have to say about Alembic:"The visual effects industry continually strives to reduce production complexity and improve collaboration throughout the pipeline. Autodesk is excited to support the implementation of production-tested technology, like Alembic, which enables digital entertainment artists to spend less time on internal custom software development and more time on creative storytelling. And that's a win-win, not just for the industry, but for the audience.",Stig Gruman, Vice President, Autodesk Digital Entertainment"The way that ILM and Sony Pictures Imageworks have collaborated on this initiative has been truly impressive. Alembic is clearly born from real production experience of the demands of scalable asset driven production, which is vital to give it the robust foundation to become a major new industry standard. At The Foundry we wholeheartedly support Alembic."Bill Collis - CEO, The Foundry "Multi-application pipelines offer maximum flexibility for modern digital content production, and the Alembic format offers a reliable and open path to exchange data between modo and other leading 3D applications. Luxology is excited to demonstrate today what we have been able to achieve with the initial implementation of Alembic in modo."Brad Peebler - CEO/Co-Founder, Luxology "With Alembic, ILM and Sony Imageworks have created an invaluable interoperability tool that fits perfectly into Houdini's procedural philosophy. Our tests have shown how efficient Alembic can be and we know our customers will be thrilled."Kim Davidson - President and CEO, Side Effects SoftwareAlembic is being offered via the New BSD License and is written in C++ and Python, leveraging the boost and HDF5 C/C++ libraries heavily, as well as OpenEXR.For more information visit: or ALEMBIC AT SIGGRAPH 2011 Alembic 1.0 Press EventTUESDAY, 9 AUGUST 9:30 AM - 10:30 AMFairmont Pacific Rim Hotel, The Pearl Room (across from the convention center)Join Lucasfilm and Sony Pictures Imageworks as they give a joint update on the current state of the open source initiative, Alembic, and the software's upcoming 1.0 release. Vendors such as Autodesk, The Foundry, Luxology, and Side Effects Software will be on hand to demonstrate Alembic working in their software and answer questions.Tommy Burnette - Lucasfilm SingaporeRob Bredow - Sony Pictures ImageworksPlease note that priority seating will be provided to members of the press.Alembic Birds of a FeatherPractical integration of AlembicWEDNESDAY, 10 AUGUST 10:00 AM - 11:30 AMFairmont Hotel Vancouver - TweedsmuirA dialogue with the Alembic development team focused on pipeline integration and optimization of the format. Topics include API usage, collaboration with studio partners, and standardization of the format. UPDATES July 12, 2011 - Alembic 1.0rc1 Beta UpdateHello Alembic users! Welcome to the latest beta version of Alembic. As we close in on a 1.0 release, we hope the API and file format are now stable and fully forwards-compatible. We consider these to be at a first "Release Candidate" stage. (note that this doesn't yet apply to the application- specific reference implementations). As with all pre-release software, we can't guarantee that changes won't occur between now and a full 1.0 release.The main Mercurial repository has been updated ( ) p/alembic/source/list), and a new tarball has been uploaded ( ).This release is mostly a bugfix and cleanup release. We've improved the build support for Windows and OS X, as well as conformed the definitions of the Curves and NuPatch types more closely to the RI spec. Those changes, though, do mean that Curves and NuPatch geometry written out with previous releases will not be recognized with this release.The complete code changes for this release can be examined here: highlights:The flags and arguments for the AbcExport Maya plugin have been updated based on feedback from the community, and to be more Maya-idiomatic. You can see all the arguments supported by entering "AbcExport -h" in the script editor.The Makefile setup for the AlembicIn Houdini SOP is greatly simplified, though still not fully integrated with Alembic's CMake setup.The PRMan procedural now supports the Points, NuPatch, Curves, and FaceSet types from AbcGeom.One other important thing to note: previous releases of Alembic did not require any of the compiled Boost libraries, but going forward, Alembic requires libboost_thread.Although this is our initial 1.0 release candidate, it should still be considered pre-release software, and should not be used for critical, deadline-driven production work.If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to ask them on the alembic-discuss group: -discussionThank you for your continued support!The Alembic TeamMay 18, 2011 - Alembic 0.9.3 Beta UpdateWe're pleased to announce the 0.9.3 Beta release of Alembic. Highlights of this version include:Definitions of geometric data types for Curves, Nurbs patches, Face sets, and Cameras. This represents the complete set of data types planned for Alembic 1.0.Many bug fixes and performance improvements.Experimental support for building on WindowsAn example Houdini SOPIn line with the previous Beta releases, 0.9.3: Is not a 1.0, therefore commercial or date driven work should not depend on this version. We are targeting a 1.0 release mid 2011 and really looking for your feedback on this version to round out our 1.0 plan. We encourage you to post to the Alembic discussion list so that others can benefit from your feedback or join in on the conversation: -discussionAdditional documentation and the update itself can be found on: getting Alembic, see the instructions here: you for your continued support!The Alembic TeamFebruary 23, 2011 - Alembic 0.9.2 Beta UpdateWe're pleased to announce the 0.9.2 Beta release of Alembic. Highlights of this version include:Reference Maya plugins for import and export.Limited Python bindings using Boost.Python.Formal mechanism for specifying UV and Normals data as indexed or expanded arrays.Many bug fixes and performance improvements.In line with the previous Beta releases, 0.9.2:Is not a 1.0, therefore commercial or date driven work should not depend on this version.We welcome feedback and encourage you to post to the Alembic discussion list.We are targeting a 1.0 release mid 2011, but that will depend on the reports we get on this version.Additional documentation and the update itself can be found on this page.We continue to make great progress inside our two studios, but still need additional real-world testing outside of our doors. We ask that you please download and evaluate at your earliest convenience so there is an opportunity to contribute feedback to the 1.0 design.Thank you for your continued support!The Alembic TeamNovember 2, 2010 - Welcome to the release of Alembic .9The collaborative effort between Lucasfilm and Sony has been going well and we're pleased to bring this beta release to you. There are some important things to note about this .9 release:This is not a 1.0, therefore commercial or date driven work should not depend on this versionWe welcome feedback and encourage you to post to the Alembic discussion list ( -discussion), or email us directly. We'd like to collect all .9 feedback during the month of November.We are targeting a 1.0 release early 2011, but that will depend on the reports we get on this version. Therefore, no dates are committed to at this time.Additional documentation and the update itself can be found here.We are pleased with the progress we've made so far, but really look forward to some real-world testing outside of our two studios.Thanks to everyone who has been contributing so far, not only at Lucasfilm and Sony, but to our partners and friends who have been encouraging us on this project. A special note of thanks goes to Chris Horvath, who has recently moved to Sydney to work at Fuel. His daily contributions and passion will be missed.Richard Kerris, CTO Lucasfilm & Rob Bredow, CTO Sony Pictures Imageworks 2ff7e9595c

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