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Sleeping Dogs High Resolution Texture Pack Download Non 200


03. Free Watercolor Texture Pack Volume 2 by Media MilitiaThere are a total of 30 high-resolution watercolor textures that you may download for free. Try playing around with colors by adding a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer or a gradient layer or by changing the layer style to overlay.

07. Large Painted Free Watercolor Texture Backgrounds by Kiho-chanFive high-resolution free watercolor texture images featuring colorful paint strokes that are perfect for creating natural effects in your designs.

Sleeping Dogs High Resolution Texture Pack Download Non 200

08. 10 Free Watercolor Texture TechniquesIn addition to teaching you how to come up with nice watercolor textures using different techniques, you may also download the high-res textures shown as examples from this post.

09. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie by looks like rainThis free watercolor texture pack consists of 8 colorful watercolor designs with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels each. Total file size of the zipped download pack is 10.2 MB.

14. Free Watercolor Texture Pack from Graphics FuelA set of 7 high-resolution watercolor textures pack. These textures are great for adding a splash of color to your design projects! The pack that you may download includes JPG images of the textures at a resolution of 17401260 pixels each.

16. 12 Free Free Watercolor Texture PackThe pack that you can download includes 12 free textures in PNG format. These textures have transparent backgrounds so you can still mix and match the colors by playing around with layer settings and opacity in Photoshop.

Editors Note:This week were at the 227th AAS Meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Along with several fellow authors from, I will bewritingupdates on selectedevents at themeeting and posting at the end of each day. Follow along here or, or catch ourlive-tweeted updates from the@astrobites Twitter account. The usual posting schedule for AAS Nova will resumenext week.Welcome to Day 2 of the winter American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Kissimmee! Several of us are attending the conference this year, and we will report highlights from each day here on astrobites. If youd like to see more timely updates during the day, we encourage you to follow @astrobites on twitter or search the #aas227 hashtag.Plenary Session: Black Hole Physics with the Event Horizon Telescope (by Susanna Kohler)If anyone needed motivation to wake up early this morning, they got it in the form of Feryal Ozel (University of Arizona) enthralling us all with exciting pictures, videos, and words about black holes and the Event Horizon Telescope. Ozel spoke to a packed room (at 8:30am!) about where the project currently stands, and where its heading in the future.The EHT has pretty much the coolest goal ever: actually image the event horizons of black holes in our universe. The problem is that the largest black hole we can look at (Sgr A*, in the center of our galaxy) has an event horizon size of 50 as. For this kind of resolution roughly equivalent to trying to image a DVD on the Moon! wed need an Earth-sized telescope. EHT has solved this problem by linking telescopes around the world, creating one giant, mm-wavelength effective telescope with a baseline the size of Earth.Besides producing awesome images, the EHT will be able to test properties of black-hole spacetime, the no-hair theorem, and general relativity (GR) in new regimes.Ozel walked us through some of the theory prep work we need to do now in order to get the most science out of the EHT, including devising new 2ff7e9595c

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