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Intercession That Releases the Harvest (Cassette Tape Set): Grow in Faith and Love through Intercess

[Correspondence] From John Wimber to Scott Horn, December 20, 1991, thanking Scott for sending the tape and news article. [Correspondence from Scott Horn to John Wimber, September 19, 1991, informing Wimber that he is sending him a tape.]

[Correspondence] From John Wimber to Bob McGee, informing Bob that he received his resignation letter and also he releases his church from the Association of the Vineyard churches, September 17, 1990.

Intercession That Releases the Harvest (Cassette Tape Set)

Attached: [Correspondence] from David W. Watson to Vineyard Ministries International, 6th January 1988, [informing Vineyard Ministries that he purchased 2 workshop tapes, but did not receive the workshop notes form the local distributor].

The Majesty of heaven, while engaged in His earthly ministry, prayed much to His Father. He was frequently bowed all night in prayer. His spirit was often sorrowful as He felt the powers of the darkness of this world, and He left the busy city and the noisy throng, to seek a retired place to make His intercessions. The Mount of Olives was the favorite resort of the Son of God for His devotions. Frequently after the multitude had left Him for the retirement of the night, He rested not, though weary with the labors of the day. . . . While the city was hushed in silence, and the disciples had returned to their homes to obtain refreshment in sleep, Jesus slept not. His divine pleadings were ascending to His Father from the Mount of Olives that His disciples might be kept from the evil influences which they would daily encounter in the world, and that His own soul might be strengthened and braced for the duties and trials of the coming day. All night, while His followers were sleeping, was their divine Teacher praying. . . . His example is left for His followers. (Homeward Bound, p. 169)

Bald-headed Stuart Garrard explains that the day's schedule hasn'tallowed time for lunch and that he'll catch up on a snack if I don'tmind. The guitarist's perfectly trimmed goatee twitches as he tucksin. Singer Martin Smith appears soon afterward, apologising for aphone call that went on too long (more promotion for new album). Heboasts bleached hair styled just so, trendy attire without a singlecrease and, for a resident of Littlehampton, a deeply suspicious tan.No time to waste. Garrard pulls his chair closer to the tape recorderon the central table, and we begin.

Listening to God is in obedience to Gods covenant promises to have us BE STILL and Know That I am God and Matthew 11:15 says those who have ears hear. Prayer of a variety of types is given in Scripture. 1 Timothy 2:1 says First of all then I urge you that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people. Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to pray at all times in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication.

I spoke to a couple of local pastor last month about listening prayer. One Pastor told me that when he as 8 and 14 he had heard God speak to him and he was about 60. Another pastor told me that God says alot of things to alot of people not one thing. I was asking about a group to listen to God for our city together. To create a prayer tapestry from heaven over time while listening together. This kind of prayer is about How to Move Heaven and Earth by slowing down together. Becoming intentional to wait on God and get the cares of the world or weeds as I would call it out of our soul. Detox is needed to get heavens instructions for a city.

Returning to Genesis chapter 19 for our scripture reading this morning, you will remember that in chapter 18, God appeared to Abraham, spoke again concerning the promises that had been made to him, gave specific word concerning the fact that Sarah would be mother of the promised seed and then the chapter concluded with the intercession of Abraham for the wicked city of Sodom and Gomorrah. And now chapter 19 continues and you remember as you read chapter 18, that there were three men who came to visit Abraham, one of whom turns out to be the Lord Himself, a theophany, an appearance of the Lord Jesus before the incarnation, and then the other two, it now becomes plain were angelic beings. For we read in Chapter 19, verse 1,

Paul's point is that on one hand the saint cannot live on past victories. On the other hand, he or she should never be debilitated by past (confessed) sins. And yet so many believers are so distracted by the past that they are weighed down and encumbered to the point that they can barely run for the future (see note on lay aside every encumbrance Hebrews 12:1). Paul is saying that the saint who would run to win must completely forget those things which encumber. Picture for a moment , a runner moving forward and at the same time looking backward! It is not an effective way to run for the goal ("gold") beloved! Let us all run that when we break the tape we hear the Judge say "Well, done." Why "well done"? Because we have been faithful (in the "big and small" things).

The final quarter of this year has gotten off to a strong start. We have well over a hundred students in 7 different courses. It is a true joy to have so many wonderful students all seeking to further their relationship with God in different ways. This excitement is infectious and the campus is a buzz. At the moment, we have Foundations for Counseling Ministry (FCM), French & English Discipleship Training School (DTS), English & Korean Discipleship Bible School (DBS), Bible Core Course on Location (BCC), English Learning for Missions (ELM), Ministry and Leadership Development School (MLD), and a School of Biblical Studies (SBS) in their final quarter. The students in these programs also come from more than 20 nations, each adding their own unique thread to the beautiful tapestry of cultures in our community. It is thrilling to think of all that God has instore for each of them.

In Luke 10:2, Jesus speaks about how the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. This is still true today. In many ways, this is the crux of the ministry of YWAM Lausanne; training and equipping young people to become these aforementioned workers. We have a fund that we use to extend partial scholarships to young people who are pursuing long-term engagement in missions and ministry. These efforts to make training more accessible to students with long-term visions in ministry have incredible long-term fruitfulness with an impact that continues to ring for decades into the future. Through this scholarship fund, you can have a direct hand in making this impact. Would you prayerfully consider making a donation towards these scholarships to see more young people raised up to reach the world for Christ? All information on how to contribute can be found here.

Once a quarter our entire community takes a day solely for worship, intercession, and prayer. These prayer days have been instrumental in the spiritual development and formation of our community. Over the course of our story, many great breakthroughs, initiatives, and releases have come from these special days. The prayer day for this quarter was especially impactful as we sought the Lord's heart for our ministry and the French-speaking part of Switzerland. For a portion of the day, we sent teams out to pray in many strategic locations around Lake Geneva including Ouchy, Morges, and Mont Pelerin. We also had an impactful time of intercession for the nations on the 4k map of the world. We are immensely thankful for all that God imparted to us over the course of this special day and look forward to seeing how it continues to shape our ministry and lives to be even more closely aligned with Him. 2ff7e9595c

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